I recently read this passage about an Italian Family on Hungry Planet!

This is the family in question!

Here are their profiles: (name/age/favourite food/other)

Giuseppe, 31 - fish  - works at a fish and seafood shop

Piera Marretta, 30 - pasta with ragu - doesn't like fish

Maurizio, 2 - Frozen fish sticks

Pietro, 9 - hot dogs

Domenico, 7 - pasta with ragu

I found what they eat in a week to be really interesting!

I noticed that they eat a LOT of Seafood! Very similar to Japan, but the main difference is that Japanese people like to eat fish raw, but Italians almost always cook them.

Here are some pictures of the food the passage mentioned!

Calamari Fritti 
Pasta Al Forno (oven baked pasta)
Frittura (Mixed Fried Fish)

I found this family to be really intriguing. I found them eating pasta every day to be a sort of the equivalent of us Japanese people eating rice every day, but I don't think I could manage eating pasta every day :) 

Thought this was a really beautiful and nice family!
