Analysing Restaurant Reviews

 The other day, for class, I was assigned a restaurant review to analyse and to learn from.

the link above was the review i was assigned.

the article was from the New York Times, and the reviewer was Pete Wells.

My first impression was that the language used here was rather... pretencious. I dont want to speak down on people's writings much, but i couldnt really tell whether he liked the restaurant or not? he spoke a lot about the interior design, which i thought was fine, but i wish he had spoken more about the food.

What i actually DID like about the article was how he added a star system, alongside a overview of his overall opinions at the end. He managed to get his point across then, and i thought that was a good addition for reader to really understand and see if they would like to go to the restaurant.

When the time comes for me to write a restaurant review, i would like to implement his star system and the overall overview, but mainly focus on the food. I did like his discriptions and opinions on the interior design at times, and i too would like to point out things about the interior of the restaurant i will review, but not to THAT extent.
